Vision and Values
Our Vision
At Lanterns, our ambition is for each and every child to achieve their full potential. Through the provision of high quality, inclusive learning opportunities, and with a dedicated focus on supporting emotional wellbeing and resilience, we enable our children to grow into lifelong learners.
Lanterns works in partnership with families, the local community, and other agencies to best ensure that our children thrive.
Our Values
At Lanterns, our values are reflected through:
Learning opportunities, experiences and a curriculum that builds on children’s interests, is high quality and enables all children to achieve positive outcomes.
An exciting, stimulating and accessible environment that is developmentally appropriate and introduces, supports, reinforces and challenges learning.
Nurturing, supportive and inclusive practitioners and services that enable all children and families to flourish.
Team work that brings out the best in everyone and promotes positivity and fun in everyday life and learning at Lanterns.
Every child and family with a safe and secure environment where they will feel happy and supported.
Reflection and evaluation on the quality of our practice to ensure we are offering the very best to our children and their families.
Needs being met through our expertise in SEND, multi-agency working with professionals and agencies in the wider community, to ensure all children and families thrive.
Supportive and caring relationships with our children and their families, working closely together and valuing our partnership.