Friends of Lanterns
What is Friends of Lanterns?
Friends of Lanterns (FOL) is a registered charity that was established in 2005. FOL is dedicated to raising additional funds for Lanterns Nursery School and promoting the great work that the nursery school does with families. We have a group of Trustees who meet twice a year to examine the accounts and decide on spending and fund-raising priorities.
We have two sorts of funds in FOL. Some we can spend on projects requested by the Nursery School. Others have to be spent on a specific project as outlined by the person or organisation donating the funds. We also keep a pot of money ring fenced within our budget to support individual children and families with specific needs.
Our financial year runs from September to August and we submit a return to the Charity Commission at the end of every year.
Over the past year we have paid for:
A new mud kitchen area in the main garden making this area accessible to all children
Relax kids sessions. Sessions led by a qualified teacher teaching targeted groups of children techniques to manage emotions and build resilience
An accessible path to enable children using walking frames to access the swings
A sensory play house for the Grasshopper class- our group of children who are
supported in the specialist class for children with social communication difficulties
How does FOL raise money for Lanterns?
During the course of each year, FOL holds a number of events. These include regular bake sales as well as running regular Garden Time and Family Farm day sessions at the nursery school. The Garden Time and Family Farm sessions are ticketed through Eventbrite and are widely advertised on the Lanterns website and Facebook page - keep a look out for our next event! We also run special events such as Murder Mystery evenings.
We could not function without our volunteers who give their time to organising events such as those described above.
How can you find out more about supporting FOL?
Many of the people in the group have been supporting the nursery school for a long time and are now ready to step back. This means we need some fresh faces to join the team. We are hoping to get a mixed group of some staff, parents and people from the community to help us.
If you would be prepared to offer some time to Friends of Lanterns please get in touch. We are looking for a mix of people with fundraising ideas as well as people who can offer practical support.
If you would like to know more please contact Sue Herdman (Chair of Trustees) on or via the Lanterns Reception team.